Stoneware Glaze 1390 Green, Matte
Main Page > Glazes > Cerama-Glazes > Stoneware
Polttolämpötila 1220 - 1280°C.
Ominaispaino 45-55.
Perusmassoilla lasite on matta, vihertävän harmaa ja hieman läikikäs.
Paksulla lasitekerroksella väri on enemmän sinertävä ja täplät hieman laajenevat.
Rautapitoisilla savilla siitä tulee tummempi ja ruskehtavanvihreä.
Posliinimassoilla lasitteesta tulee kirkkaan vihreä.
Ei valu 1280°C:ssa.
Only for decorations.
See also
Firing range 1220 - 1260°C.
Specific gravity 45 - 50. Exciting, Two-colour glaze.
Pohjavärin ruskehtava sävy...
Specific gravity 45 - 50. Exciting, Two-colour glaze.
Pohjavärin ruskehtava sävy...
18,32 €
0 - 0,2mm with 25% chamotte. See technical data here. Firing range 1000 - 1280ºC.
Beautiful lava dot clay with fine grained grog. Very good for...
Beautiful lava dot clay with fine grained grog. Very good for...
1,07 €
Beautiful, translucent glaze for decorations. Not acid proof.
Firing range 1220 - 1280°C.
Firing range 1220 - 1280°C.
5,01 €
0 - 0,5mm with approx. 40% chamotte. Raku- or stoneware clay. Softer version of 1154-clay due to finer chamotte.
0 - 0,5mm with approx. 40% chamotte. Raku- or stoneware clay. Softer version of 1154-clay due to finer chamotte.
0,98 €
See technical data here. NEW!
Black clay for throwing 0 - 0,2mm with chamotte.
Firing range 1000 - 1240°C.
Black clay for throwing 0 - 0,2mm with chamotte.
Firing range 1000 - 1240°C.
1,22 €