
Main Page > Käsityökalut ja muut tarvikkeet > Brushes

Brush Set Nr. 1 /tk10
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2,23 €
sivellin 418/3 oravankarva
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3,52 €
sivellin 418/2 oravankarva
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5,47 €
Sivellin C2-0
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2,02 €
Sivellin C2-1
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2,23 €
Sivellin C 2-2
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2,43 €
Sivellin C 2-6
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2,63 €
Sivellin C 2-8
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3,04 €
Sivellin C 2-10
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3,44 €
Sivellin C 2-12
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3,85 €
Brush C 4-1
Wolf hair. 
3,33 €
Brush C 4-4
Wolf hair. 
2,96 €
Brush C 6-1
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3,43 €
sivellin c 7-1
Vuohen ja tamman karvaa... 
4,20 €
Brush 812
Ø 1mm
Length 8mm.
Mixtrure of fine, smooth hair. 
2,53 €
Brush 814
Ø 2mm
Length 15mm
Mixtrure of fine, smooth hair. 
2,94 €
Brush 817
Ø 3mm
Length 18mm.
Mixtrure of fine, smooth hair. 
3,24 €
Brush 15/0 Marten Hair
Ø 1mm.
Soft elastic brush. Sopii esim. kultakoristeluun. 
7,89 €
Varnia Oy
Myllypakantie 2
FI-25410, Suomusjärvi
tel. (02) 722 1202
varnia (at)
Business ID: 0202891-2