1408 Brown-Reddish Stoneware Clay
Main Page > Clays > Cerama-Clays
Alimmassa kuvassa pala poltettu 1020°C.
Saveen No. 1408 on lisätty 35% 2 mm:n murskattua tiiltä.
Murskattu tiili antaa esineen pinnalle oman erityislaatunsa, ja karkeaa pintaa voidaan vielä korostaa raaputtamalla seenalla tai sorvausraudalla.
Light brown colour is a good neutral base for earthenware glazes.
Despite the rustic nature of the clay, it is easy to glaze. Notice, that 1408 clay can be fired even up to 1260°C.
Glaze firing: 1020 - 1260°C, biscuit firing: 920°C.
Package size: 10kg.
Firing colour: Light brown, dark spots.
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